The Glorious Both/And Means...
separateness and oneness
unidual not nondual
and unividuality
the one and the many
the one is the many - a oneness of multiplicity
the One as two
"Unless the many are seen as holy as the one, then we never arrive at the great secret: that the many and the one are a single thing."
the absolute and the relative
They do not exist apart from one another
they're intertwined like lovers
“No relative only, no absolute only. We don’t need those traps. They are not opposed but benefit from each other, the way sound and silence dance, making music.”- Jason Shulman
unity and diversity
unity of diversity
= diversity without division
being and becoming
Being is becoming
The ground of Being blooming!
the Shadow and the light
the light can illuminate, without needing to negate the darkness
they have one another
joy and sorrow intertwined
suffering and freedom
not freedom from, freedom to
(be fully human)
heartache and love
the heart broken open
the personal and the universal
personal expressions of the universe
the human and the divine
divinely human
(wo)man's divinity = god's humanity
wholeness and brokenness
wholeness includes brokenness
form and formlessness
they're married!
manifestation = formlessness enformed
spirit and matter
the transcendent is immanent
the material and immaterial
the immaterial materialized
the ecstacy and agony of living
nonduality is a wedding, not a funeral
unified opposites, mutual inclusivity,
the missing piece for integration, after self-transcendence
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