Message From God

I am here, even in this anger and despair

If you can find me here, you can find me everywhere
How deeply can you enter this moment to be with me? 
To be with me is to be with you,
to be with all of this

To fully feel me is to fully feel you 

If you only hear me
In the spaces between sounds
You'll miss me in music
If you only hear me in stillness
You'll miss me in thunder
When you only think of me as light
You'll ignore me
When I'm weeping!

If you only want me radiant
You'll reject me 
When I show up in agony
When I am (you)  drowning 
I am with you, wherever you go,
whatever you do

But don't you see?
You don't want all of me
when you don't want all of you!

Know that when you hold your hand
you're holding mine too

When you take care of you,
You're taking care of me too


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