On Transcending and Including

To be on a humanistic non-dual spiritual path, we must transcend and include. You don't climb a ladder to the sky, and sever off the lower rungs that got you there unless theres something down there you're running from.

"Transpersonal," for example, can be misinterpreted as what is entirely NOT personal, or has nothing to do with the personal dimension of reality, so that it points to the notion of exclusionary transcendence  (transcending and excluding personhood in this case), but I see it now as pointing to what is more than yet includes the person/personal dimension.  Now you don't end up with disembodied, ungrounded and non-human transpersonal experience, but the down to earth embodiment of something that is personal and more than personal, an experience of personhood as an integral part of something bigger than itself- that transcends and includes it.  

This is a dramatically different experience from the experience of/experience of oneself as "something" transcendent that is cut off from what's transcended. It's not an impersonal, or non-personal experience, it's a MORE THAN personal experience that the personal you is/gets to be a part of.  Rather than a capital S "Self," that is INSTEAD of  a lower case s "self" it's the experience of Sselfhood (Jason Shulman). It's becoming personal + instead of something less than personal.

As Ken Wilber wrote of "egolessness" (which self-negating non-duality considers a coveted quality of all self-transcendent experience), "Egolessness does not mean "less than personal," it means "more than personal" Not personal minus, but personal plus..."

Questions to consider...

How does it feel different?

If you shift from transcending & negating, to transcending and including, is there anything valuable you'd lose? Anything valuable you'd gain/get back?


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